From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart

by BLaCK_RoSeS   Jul 19, 2005

From the bottom of my broken heart
there lies a girl who is covered in blood
she never smiles, never laughs
and always cries a flood

from the bottom of my broken heart
there lies a girl who replays the past in her head
she rememberer's feeling happy and loved
and now all she feels is like being dead

from the bottom of my broken heart
there shines a bloody razor blade
and a wrist with marks and scars
and a soul that feels betrayed

from the bottom of my broken heart
the girls tears never stop
hour after hour
another tear drops

from the bottom of my broken heart
there lives a memory of regret
and each day the pain gets stronger
stronger and stronger till pain can get

from the bottom of my broken heart
there lives a girl who is broken from the past
her past haunts her, and replays in her mind
everyday she hopes the memories wouldn't last

from the bottom of my broken heart
the girl cuts herself from her sorrow
her blood and tears mix when the cutting begins
and she would dread the day for tomorrow

from the bottom of my broken heart
the girl has lost all social contact with her friends
for when she fell in love, she drifted away
she wanted love, but she got was pain that would never end

from the bottom of my broken heart
the little can't take it any more
she gets the gun and ends her life
counts to three and falls to the floor

from the bottom of my broken heart
there lies a girl who has died
she never smiled, never laughed,
she only cut and cried

from the bottom of my broken heart
there lies a dead girl who always feels empty
she finally took her life
that little girl is me


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