Misunderstood pt 2

by delmy   Jul 21, 2005

She has nothing to live for
or should i say "had"
yep she was found on the floor
WOW! this scene was beyond bad
everyday she would drink
said it made her troubles go away
but she didn't think
the price she would pay
everyday tears were shed
no one knowing her life was hanging by a thread
people would laugh every time she said "ima die"
stupid people would listen to her cry
finally things got to her head
hours later she was found dead


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  • 18 years ago

    by CHOKE

    DeAd...I uSeD tO wIsH i WaS, bUt ThEn OnE dAY GoD gAvE mE thE mOsT pReCiOuS gIfTs, EvEn ThOuGh I bArElY bElIeVeD iN hIm...He tOoK aWaY SoMe Of My PaIn ThEn He GaVe Me FrIeNdS wHo UnDeRsToOd WhAt I wAs GoInG tHrOuGh!