Lessons Ive learned/ Thing you need to know

by Brandi   Jul 21, 2005

1. Dont go up to a guy and say \"when i sit down, i have 3 rolls in my stomach!\"
and then show him

2. if you are alergic to band aid material, dont put a band aid on your face. it will show for longer than 3 days

3. Dont ask people if they want free posters out of magazines you just bought, especially if your at a mall right in front of the security room. you will get kicked out

4. When at a friends house, if they have a cute brother, dont throw a water bottle at his head, your friend will be injured by her brother if you do this

5. when it says, \"DONT TRY THIS AT HOME!\" on TV, they are serious, Fear Factor will make you sick
6. When your friend is singing on her kareoke machine and was really proud of how well she sang dont go, \"Whoo Child, i can finally take these earplugs out!\"

7. Dont draw on your older sisters Backstreet Boy poster that she has had since she was 9, she will, KILL you

8. at your grandparents house, dont flirt with a cute boy that is there. he is most likely your cousin.

9. make sure to hide all embarressing photots of you when you were younger, if your boyfriend is coming over for dinner.

10. during halloween, if you dress like a boston red sox fan, you get twice as much candy, especially if they are going to the world series!

11. when on the phone, make sure you have all phones in the house with you so no one can eavesdrop.

12. if your mom works with all guys and you are always on speaker phone, dont call and tell her how much your breasts hurt.

13. When going to the bathroom, always check before you leave the bathroom, if there is toilet paper anywhere on you.

14. when inviting a friend over, dont say, \"i called to ask if you wanted to come over because (list of all your other friends goes here) all said that they couldnt come over, so now im calling you!\" they will be mad

15. remeber to bring your house key home from school on the first day, otherwise, you will be spending 3 hours outside of your home after school
16. if your going out with someone out of pity, when they say i love, dont laugh in there face.

17. if your best friend likes you (hes a guy your a girl) dont go asround telling everyone how much you love him. they will think you are serious.

18. if a guy says he'll give you more candy (during halloween) if you give him a kiss on the cheek, laugh in his face, and then.... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!

19. if you are 12 and your mom says you cant watch MTV till your 14, dont watch it when your EVIL brother is downstairs too, he will tell her.

20. dont sing a song with 50 swears in it, if your mother is in the car with you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by /: Stray--X--Wolf :\

    I really, REALLY, need to remember that last one, LoL. Nice..