My heart will never let you go

by Unity   Jul 21, 2005

For me and you,
it was shaky from the start
we argued and we fought
but you really captured my heart

Now, here we are today
and its weaker than before
we've lost what we once had
but i seem to love you more

everything is different
but yet nothings changed
although it may not be the same
it no longer feels so strange

i really love you
and admire who you are
you've taught me to be better
you've been my falling star

you've showed me some things
i couldn't really see
made me look beyond
and deeper inside of me

i know you may not feel it
but Ive never felt it so strong
i love you now and always
and my hearts where you belong

so although it may not mean much
i just wanted you to know
i love you more then ever
and my heart, will never let you go

***this is dedicated to the only guy ive ever loved, but it turns out he lost the love he felt for me***
please comment and tell me where im going wrong ..plz


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  • 18 years ago

    by Manda

    awesome poem! good job! keep up the good work! its how i felt about an ex but i moved on and now he feels that way but i dont want him back, ironic huh? well anyways like i said keep up the good work! i've checked out two of ur poems so far and loved them both, 5 stars!


  • 18 years ago

    by Libby M

    wow. This is amazing. Sometimes people fall out of love, and that is never understood, especially by one who is left behind. SOmetimes, you have to let go. Remember that maybe it wasn't all your fault, or that it wasn't you who went wrong...Sometimes the ones we love we cannot be in the same room with....Let go of him, and if he ever returns back, and loves you again like he once did then you guys were meant to be...

    Great Write.


  • 18 years ago

    by XxTeArSxX17

    love the poem nice write very good you used shuch good words love it keep it up 5/5 and if u get some tiem could you look at my poems

  • 18 years ago

    by XxTeArSxX17

    love the poem nice write very good you used shuch good words love it keep it up 5/5 and if u get some tiem could you look at my poems