You aren't near

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Aug 5, 2005

Why do i feel this way?
Why do i care?
How come you made everything OK?
Why were you always there?

Why do I look at you as my mother?
Why do I always drive by your home?
How comes I can honestly say "I love her?"
How comes I never feel alone?

I thought you'd be here forever
Maybe forever has come too soon
Will I forget you? Never...
I hope you think the same way too

I need to get out of this place
You're getting out of town too
I can't help but always see your face
I can't help care about you

If you're leaving, I hope you have a good life
I probably won't see you anymore
I won't say that this pain cuts like a knife
You're what my heart beats for

I'll suck it up and say goodbye
As my eyes begin to tear
What will i do when i start to cry,
And you aren't anywhere near?

**i care about you like a mother figure and i honestly do. I hope you have fun at this new job that you're going to, i hope this isn't true though, i was only told this by people. I will always love you woman*


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