We'll start a new life

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Aug 16, 2005

I saw you hide a letter in your truck
I knew it would be something bad, thats just my luck
You left with my mother so I went through everything
I didn't know what kind of feelings it would bring
I saw this little will you had written out
then i saw a letter to my mom only, i didn't know what it was about
I opened it up and i lost my train of thought
I knew it was something bad but i was hoping it would not
I went to your mother's and gave it to her
i forgot how to breathe, everything became a blur
I couldn't get a hold of anybody for hours, i was out of it
I needed people, i didn't care who i was with
My aunt was told and she confronted yous
She wanted to know why this is what you would choose
My whole entire life I looked up to you
You were the one i learned everything from too
My mother and me fight every single day
Yous would fight though too, until where nothing was OK
You are my life, and i couldn't live without you
When I found your suicide note, dad, i didn't know what to do
You're my only dad, i don't have a mother type in my life
You've seen me handle pain with my own knife
The only mom-type person i ever had is now moving away
You and her, i would live and die for, be there forever and a day
How could you do this knowing how much i care?
My mother isn't worth you leaving, this just ain't even fair
She doesn't deserve you, I'm the loser, you're not
she causes all the trouble, that's why we always fought
Come on dad, you can't even think like this no more
You're one of the few reasons why I'm here for
Living is the best revenge, i think we need to team up on my mother
I know it's just you and me, i know both of us don't love her
She tore apart the family, know is when we need each other
You've got to promise me you won't leave me now for another
Please come back down to earth and forget about "your wife"
You and me can leave them know, we'll start a new life


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