You Know As Well As I

by CareBear   Sep 4, 2005

I know I'm no one
And no one really cares
I guess I am a failure
And I never get things right
But I still don't think you understand
You've seen the goodbye letters
You know I've sliced my wrists
Yeah, I've stopped for now
But only time can tell
You still pull me down
And push me away
Talk behind my back
Yet you make yourself seem wonderful to my face
I guess I never was good enough
You wanted a perfect little princess
An only daughter you could be proud of
Not one with scar covered wrists
And Cuts up her arms
A daughter to wear pink and be your best friend
I'm sorry I'm not like that
But you can't make me change
No I won't do that for you
You've made me cry and hurt inside
Yes, You've even made me use the blade
I was never worthy of your love
And I sit here and write
I pour my heart out
As the tears pour down my face
I'm NOT like my brothers
The things you say hurt
And these memories will never fade
You think I'm fine
But when you're not looking
I break down and cry
Cause you know as well as I
Your little girl was never good enough
Don't deny it
For you can't deny what you know is true
You're lucky he was here
Otherwise your little girl's life would have been through
Otherwise your heart and mind may have been filled with the deepest regret
Why don't you take a moment to think
Because next time you may not be so lucky

*4/9/2005-Please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me. This took me a while and i would like to know what you think*


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    This poem was so sad. i hope you don't always feel this way. Everyone is important to someone. Keep up the good writes.

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