Help Me

by AJ   Oct 9, 2005

Where am I?
Where did I go?
What is this tormenting me,
That I have not felt since long ago?
I look at your face,
I feel like crying,
I feel a deep sadness,
Where have you gone?
It's all his fault,
Keeping us apart,
I'll never leave,
I promise,
But this pain is unreal.
I don't know what to do,
What to think,
I'm so scared,
Of being alone,
I'm scared,
Of losing you,
I'm scared,
Because right now,
I don't know.
Help me,
Help me see,
As you have done before,
Please help me,
I cry out,
But no one answers,
Where have you gone?
Help me......


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Alex Marlatt

    That right there was sadified, but good poem man keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    WOw. eXceLLent jOb!!! kEeP uP tHe gr8 works! hUgz!

  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    Wow. very good work. its really moving. the language works well


  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Nice job 5/5 good poem and keep it up. ^_^ take care and can't wait to read have talet.