I'm just a girl, with a story to tell.

by Megann Lee   Oct 10, 2005

I'm just a girl, with one story to tell, you...It's just a cut, just a bruise, just a frown upon my face for you to notice somethings just not right. It's just a tear, just a drop of blood, just a smile upon my face, for you to notice somethings just not right. It's just a day. just a week, just a month, for you to notice something just not right. The more I cut, the less I eat, the better I feel. The paler I seem, the skinnier I am, makes me happier, in my head, in my mind. The more cuts I have, the scars they leave, turns my frown upside down. No matter how much you yell, tell me it's wrong, all I can do is tune you out.

It was just a cut, just a bruise, just a frown upon my face for you to get it. It was just a tear, just a drop of blood, just a smile upon my face, for you to get it. It was just a day. just a week, just a month, for you to notice I'm slowly dieing. The more I cut, the less I eat, the better I feel. The paler I seem, the skinnier I am, makes me happier, in my head, in my mind. The more cuts I have, the scars they leave, turns my frown upside down. No matter how much you yelled, told me it's wrong, all I did was tune you out. Now I'm gone, just a girl, who took her life. Just another teen, who could face her troubles. Just a girl who is sorry, for what she has done, just a teen lost in time. I'm just a girl and I told you my story.

©Megan - 2005


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  • 18 years ago

    by MudkipzPlx

    Awh..Megan..We Love You.

    Love MKKA!

  • 18 years ago

    by Riffy

    Wow...This one was so powerful and held so much depth and emotion. he way you structured it was awsome! You're really talented. Life can suck.
    Keep it up =) Times will get better. XxXxX

  • 18 years ago

    by Torn

    Wow i really liked that. I didnt think i would because of they way it's written but it was surprsingly so easy to read..yet so sad:'(
    i'm sorry you feel this way..god life can be so hopeless. Please stay strong tho hun and take care of urself...listen to those who care about u just once...
    take care xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by HansRik

    Nicely written! Well done. The poem is very effective in conveying the message.

  • 18 years ago

    by ShhhhItsASecret©

    This was also a very good poem. I can relate to it and I felt the emotion. you have a good way with words. Just a minor thing on the paragraph thing. It's probably just me, but it's easier to read if it's not so jumbled together. Just a suggestion ;) 5/5 Great job, though.
    Love always,