When I...

by Megann Lee   Oct 12, 2005

When I fall, I can't seem to get back up. When I break down, I count on you for help. If your not here, who'll pick me up every-time I fall?
Who'll tell me my life is worth living? Most of all who'll hold me and tell me they love me? Not a day passes that I don't think of you, or how much my life is hurting you. With each cut, I'm taking part of you away from me, with each skipped meal, I'm not loving you as much. When really, I can't live without you. Hardest thing is, I don't think what I am doing is wrong.
Your telling me it is, telling me you'll help. I need that. I need your love, your support and understanding.

Truth be told though...When you fall, you won't be able to get back up. When you break down You count on me for help.
If I'm not here who'll pick you up every-time you fall?
Who'll tell you, even though I'm going your life is worth living?
Most of all who'll hold you and tell you they love you?
If not me who?
If I don't stop my hurting, my eating ways, I'm going to lose you, and you'll lose me.
Yet in the end one way or another we'll be reunited, So when we fall, we'll fall together.
That's my promise to you, baby.

©Megan - 2005


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  • 18 years ago

    by MudkipzPlx

    Aww..How cute.

    Love MKKA.

  • 18 years ago

    by HansRik

    This poem is very well written, with an efficient diction. I find it easy to relate to this poem. The structure is somewhat confusing,but I reckon that is a typographical error which you can correct easily. Anyways, very emotive and heartflet. Well done!

  • 18 years ago

    by ShhhhItsASecret©

    Wow. I can relate a lot to this poem. Nicely written. One suggestion is maybe try hitting the 'enter' key, because when it's in a paragraph like that, it's kind of jumbled together. Other than that, this was a really good poem! I really felt the emotion! Great job! 5/5