The Shirt

by Daniel Jimenez   Oct 13, 2005

My love wanted to dress me up
so I would look nice and have some style.
So she bought me a shirt from the heart
and dressed me like a child.

When it arrived at my house one day
I opened up the package and to my surprise,
I held up this gorgeous aqua blue shirt
as if it was a precious golden prize.

I marveled at its colors
and fell in love with its soft touch.
When I tried it on at last
I loved the look so much!

As gentle as a baby's kiss
I carefully hung this shirt with pride
inside my closet next to my suits
all the way to wards the left side.

Every morning I would wake up
and open my closet to get my jeans
and each time I would see it
the nicest shirt that I have ever seen!

It stood out from among st the rest
because it was the only shirt bought with love,
and though the rest where nice as well
I held this one far above.

I counted down the days till my trip
when I would wear it for her at last.
Oh how I wanted that day to come!
I prayed for time to speed up fast!

I was proud of this token of love
given to me by my Laura Lai.
Every time I would see it hanging there
my heart let out a happy sigh.

But to my dismay and disbelief
this shirt is now a reminder of
when she broke my heart into pieces
and took back all her love.

I wore this shirt the night she told me
that she never wanted to be with me.
I felt so worthless and ugly.
Why must I be a victim of this insanity?

She ruined what was a perfect day
with words so careless and bane,
they ripped into my deepest parts
and planted seeds of amazing pain.

I wore this shirt as proud as can be
as if it was an Armour shining bright
but now it's just a horrid reminder
of that awful heart wrenching night.

It was once perfect without a crease
without a spot or blemish to be found.
Colors vivid so bright and fair
it's beauty had me captivated and bound!

But alas now it no longer stands
as a beacon of love and happy days.
Now hangs a crumped mess
of material now faded, wrinkled and frade.

You laid your head on my shoulder
after you ripped my heart to shred,
and I wrapped my arms around you
and caressed your worried head.

And till this very moment I swear to you
that on my shirt still lays your scent
of your perfume so soft and sweet
reminding me of the moments we spent.

And when I miss you with a broken heart
I take it in my hands and smell
and for a moment I can feel you again...
and it delivers me from this lonely hell.

I pretend that you are with me
once more in my arms safe and sound.
But when I break the trance of day dream,
peace for me is no where to be found.

All I have left of you now Laura,
is a wrinkled shirt my friend.
A shirt that brought me joy and pain,
a shirt that I will never wear again.


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