Too Far Gone

by AllHailTheHeartbreaker   Oct 21, 2005

What happens when you love someone
So much it hurts
And you can't stop thinking
About him
(I mean them)
And your words are all jumbled
And you can't talk straight.

I becomes A and E becomes Y
And it all leads up to him wondering
But words are forever
Time won't erase
Only memory etched lightly in his
Deeply in yours.

And then it's Jake and Wayne
Or is it Wayne and Jake?
And you can't decide between the two.
Your mind flys aways
You're out of control
Too far gone
(I mean, I'm too far gone...)
And you just want it to stop.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    Yes, love is like that. I liked that you could sense the confusion in the poem, but sometimes it seems that you should just let your poetry flow.

    Good Writing!

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