Lost Again

by Nikki   Nov 11, 2005

I put myself out there for you to walk over me,
I know that I am capable of anything.
Before I met you I was a strong independent woman,
Now I feel like I've fallen face first to the ground.
Why do I continue to put myself through this?
I feel like my world has crumbled right in front of me.
I can't help but to be who I am, so unselfish,
You used me and I never knew it until now.
I wish I could have changed you into something of worth,
But why try to fix something that can'tt be fixed .
I fight a losing battle with you every time we talk,
You never listen to what I say, or what I do.
You could never appreciate something as good as this,
You had the world in the palm of your hands.
I don't feel sorry for you anymore, I can't.
You can only make things as good as you want them.
I am sorry things happened the way they did,
But I don't take anything back, not even the tears.
You stripped me of anything and everything I was,
I'm starting over, patching my life back up.
I've never had a guy make me feel the way you did,
So not worth your time, your energy, or your love.
But I know now none of this is my fault,
I can't be hard on myself for something I have no control of.
Looking back now I see what everyone else saw in the beginning,
Nothing but just another person who sees right through me.


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