
by Phoenixgoddess   Nov 13, 2005

It's people like them,
That makes me want to kill,
The close-minded specimen,
That thinks everything is being real.
But I can point out many fakers,
Like it's the back of my hand,
I can't stand being around,
People who doesn't seem to understand.
I would love to see them bleed,
And beg for me to spare their life,
But wasn't it them,
Who tried to tell me wrong from right?
A good slit to their throats,
Wouldn't be enough for me,
But a bit of torture,
Does well completely.
To cut off their scalp,
And saw off the top skull I shall,
Then dig into their skull,
Take out their brain and show them it's small.
Screams give me headaches.
So I'll tape their mouth,
Now their quiet,
No biting, no shouts.
Now I replace the skull and scalp,
Sew it all back up.
They wanted to be empty-minded,
And now their fuc ked.
Who's fault will it be,
When they have missing fingers and toes,
And other body parts missing too,
When you die no one will know.
I drag your body to the top of a building,
By the rope that is tied around the torso,
Your legs dangling over each step,
I smile and know I'll love this more so.
When we get to the top,
I pull down the rope to the flag pole,
I tie the ropes together,
And pull.
I can hear your arms breaking,
As they twist out of their joints.
I stare up as you are lifted,
Your pain not even to the breaking point.
Your shoulder joints,
Break free of the skin,
Your bones sticking out,
And the rain of blood begins.
It's a shame you can't cry out,
So much agony on your face,
I'll take out the ravens,
Now that your in place.
The tears stream and stream,
But what does tears mean to me?
I open the cage of crows and ravens,
Now it's time for them to feed.
I let the birds fly out freely,
The smell of blood increases their hunger,
They fly toward the bleeding body,
They can wait no longer.
The birds pecked the flesh,
As if it was tasty.
The flesh was gone,
God those birds were hasty.
But it was fun to watch,
Just a bloody skeleton,and hairs left handing.
I smile in innocence,
No use of staying.
I leave before the birds get hungrier,
The last thing I need are flesh-eating birds,
No one will know you were even gone,
Because I was the only one who saw and heard.


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