The subjects of my envy and the infatuation of their simplicity

by Arnold   Nov 13, 2005

Title: The subjects of my envy and the infatuation of their simplicity...

The four legged beast residing my chamber calls it its own and protects it from danger.
The belly dwelling serpent and its paralyzing gaze, lives without fear in a bantering haze.
The gravity defiant aviators of the sky, soar without chains so far from nigh.
All of these creatures are subject to my envy, infatuation of their natural born simplicity.
Emotion is what sets us apart from these feral beasts of the earth,
not the fact that they don\\\'t possess them but that it doesn\\\'t cloud their vision.
Knowledge has not escaped them nor has malice found them, and they are not run by judicial decision.
Inferior they may seem and wild they may be but we fought for freedom yet they were born free.
\\\"Something worth fighting for\\\", unless its fallacy. The illusion that blinds us and prevents us to see.
Knowledge has given us the inability to comprehend true sight, I find myself asking, \\\"Why so dark? Where\\\'s the light?\\\"
Turning truth into a secret to never be unveiled, malice, hatred and malevolence all being its shield.
Knowledge was born as a gift but doctored into our demise, but we took this on our own free wills.
That\\\'s why I\\\'m so confused, I just don\\\'t understand, would you accept a gift that kills?
Justice and order is just an idea of what people in power perceive it to be,
well I have my own opinion, take these chains off my wings, so I can soar high and fly free.


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