by Clonjey   Nov 30, 2005

Self-instruction to commit self-destruction.
How the hell did you come to this deduction?
You're insane!
if you think it will get rid of pain.

Only terrorists take their lives to bring pain to another.
You're using your depression as an excuse, or a cover.

While you're slitting your wrists in disgrace,
I'm fitting my fists in your face.
Maybe I'M selfish, I can't take the stupidity!
If I can help it, only God will get rid of me.

I won't sacrifice my life to depression.
I don't praise him, GOD is my selection.

Satan brings you to a sadder level,
So to give up is to praise the devil.
That already breaks 3 of the many commandments.

PRAISE NO OTHER GOD BUT did as the devil demanded.
THOU SHALL NOT STEAL...but you're a life bandit.
THOU SHALL NOT KILL...well that one is granted.

If you thought you were suffering on earth because things didn't go well,
Let's see how much relief you receive when you're burning in hell

© 2005


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