The Door To Reality

by Raychel   Dec 14, 2005

This life is a cover up;
Nothing more.
These interests are all fake,
Behind these false smiles there is a door.

A door to my real feelings;
To my hatred and my hope.
Behind this door lies all of what I am;
My secrets to life and how I cope.

Back in the real world,
All of what you see isnt real.
You dont know the real pain
You dont know about the real love that I feel.

This door is all that keeps me sane.
All that makes me able to keep pretending.
It helps me through it all
Its still helping my hearts mending.

If I were to be my true self to everyone,
It would rip down my door.
I would pour out all of what I am.
My life of bottling it in would be gone.

But I shouldnt even think about it
Because the real world is my kryptonite
And I must focus on getting through.
I must keep myself sane; I know what is right.

I will keep on pretending like when I was younger.
I will make sure that the boogy man will stay away.
Because he is real life.
And I must be away.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    Nice plot. i wish i could write like u. u r an amazing writer and u should keep it up no matter wut anyone says. keep going. love ya....

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    You are good at express your feelings in words. :)


  • 18 years ago

    by Loulou

    Good job