Judge Me by the Inside

by Ike Dizzle   Dec 18, 2005

It feels like your heart is still stuck on your old relation
You donâ??t believe it can take another spin
I donâ??t know how to make you believe this
But Iâ??m not like other men
I care about what people have on the inside
Very rare do I judge them about their outside
I promise I will not betray you
I promise as long as you want Iâ??ll be by your side
Every time I see you with another guy
I wonder what or why?
What do all these guys have that I am missing?
Why do I just sit back and sigh?
Every time I try to talk to you I lose my thought
Every time you talk to me I am breathless
Every time I think about you I am overwhelmed with emotions
Every time I sleep with you on my mind Iâ??m restless
Every time I see you smile it brightens my day
Every time you read what write I hope you the same way
You are the only one that seems to keep it real
Thatâ??s the way I hope you stay
Whatever people say about, donâ??t listen
Most people do not know the real me
Just let me ask you one favor
Judge me by who you see


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  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Awww... u r just way too thoughtful... I like it..

  • 17 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    I have been judged a lot. It hurts a lot. Great expression is written here. Peace and love! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by *~Emma~*

    I like the way you have expressed yourself, everyone deserves a chance to show who they are before they are judged!
    luv em

  • 19 years ago

    by lisa

    Great poem..i can relate somewhat cause i know what its like to really like someone but they dont like you...great job..5/5