Alone again

by Jo   Jan 14, 2006

I sit alone once again
That feeling was back
For those few months it had faded away

You made me feel so special
Why did I chuck it all away?
I appear to be alone again
Not a soul in my life

I am not bothered I'm alone
It's the fact I'm not with you
That bothers me most
And again I'm alone

I dished the dirt
And took it back
Your never know what u mean to me
Till I die
And then
Your wonder why I'm dead?
And your remember reading this poem
And it will all come back to you
All alone once again
Maybe it was meant to be this way
You happy
Me alone
Sounds about right
Been alone means less complications
But not having that loved feeling
Having someone caring about you
I will miss that in time
Keep strong
You and I can get through this!

Musik to my ears

Your voice was soft and gentle
I remember it as if u had just spoke to me
Soft and gentle, close and deep

Your voice was so beautiful
I guess it was just like you
You were like an old love song
I couldn't delete from my library (life)
I couldn't just forget you like I'd never heard you (met you)
Because what ever I done I thought of you and about you
You were music to my ears
Music to my heart
And you made a love song work
There was a you and I
And two hearts
But now your part of
Hearting breaking, depressing song!

How I wish I could turn back time
Take back all the bad things I've ever said
Take back all that pain I've caused you
Take back the bad things I've done

But the things is I cant
Because which ever way I turn
Whichever way I look
Whichever way I chose to go they will be there

Goodbye to you, you were music to my ears
You made my heart whole
My head half
Full with thoughts
Not knowing what to do!



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