Letter To My Second Dad.

by Lost Without Her   Jan 19, 2006

Hey you, it's me.
I spoke to Gromit on that day,
She said you'd gone away,
I was talking to my ISP when she called,
They kept disconnecting me.
She sent me a text and said that you left at exactly 10.34.

I sat on the floor and tried to remember what I said to you last.
I remember, do you?
I said that weird thing in your neck was gross,
And the one in your wrist was scary,
And that you needed a haircut and a shave.
If it wasn't stuff I normally said,
Then I'd probably feel bad,
But you have to admit, you looked like Captain Birdseye!

We all knew you were sick,
But the treatments were making you better.
Even though you had to have dialysis,
And the crazy woman from round the corner,
Sat in the next bed,
But at least she didn't have her nasty dogs with her.

It didn't sink it, I refused to believe that you'd gone,
Still do if I tell the truth.
It was just weird, Gromit was Gromit,
She misses you loads.
She told me all the things she'd said,
The day before you went into hospital.
She nearly cried when she told me some of them.
I nearly cried when she said you told her how much you loved her.

We talked about your funeral,
And all the plans she made,
Then she said she couldn't kiss you goodbye,
Coz of the disease the hospital gave you.
That broke my heart for her, and you.
She said the dog misses you too.

It was really cold on the day,
Then again, it was December!
I wore a shirt and trousers, ironed them myself too.
I polished my boots coz I knew you'd be mad at me,
If I turned up with messy boots.
They weren't as good as you'd do,
But you would have been proud.

I got up early, I mean real early.
It was just gone 9 when I got to the house.
Don't laugh, that's early for me,
I don't get up til 2 or 3.
Gromit looked gorgeous,
Your son did too.
The dog was in the yard.

'Peter Pan' turned up next,
Little Loopy Loo waddling at her feet.
She got fat again.
Everyone hugged and we talked about Pride, in Brighton.
Then all the others came,
Some upset Gromit slightly by not turning up.
Peter Pan wanted to thump them.

I went out and played with the dog,
She was crying and whining and missing the attention.
It was so cold.
I wondered if this is what it's like in a drawer,
But without the sunshine and the dog, obviously.

I peered through the gates and saw the cars arrive,
I snuck back in the house then, to hang on to Loopy.
Everyone was gathered and Peter Pan looked through the window,
Looked at the box that held you.
We all knew how your shell was in there.
Wrapped in a bag,
Decaying and sick.

They closed the gates and I let the dog in.
It's only fair she gets to say goodbye too.
All in the cars, I held Loopy, Magi-Mix panting and whining at my feet.
We watched as they moved away.
I cried as they left,
Single tears, not sobbing.

Then it was quiet, the dog looked for you.
I sat in the dining room.
No one uses the lounge anymore,
It's not the same without you in there.
Gromit sits in her room to watch TV.
It was weird.

I looked in the lounge,
The tree was up,
Its lights flashing and twinkling.
I knew you'd hate it.
I giggled.
I watched Winnie the Pooh and thought of you.
I tried to do Eeyore impressions and couldn't,
I looked to your chair,
But it was empty.

Peter Pan came back first,
Your son at her side.
She needed car keys; they couldn't get back without a car.
We couldn't find them; nothing new there.
I smiled coz I knew you'd roll your eyes,
And tell us we were stupid.

We found them and everyone came back,
The dog was allowed in the house again.
We sat in the lounge and talked,
About the past,
Told stories,
We all thought of you and the stories you'd tell.
And how we'd all groan at hearing them again!!

The things I remember from that day?
Being introduced as the oldest friend of the family.
Not bad for 25!
Being told I was the only one you and they trusted,
With the dog,
With the house.

Now it's January 19,
It's still really cold.
The dogs doing better, she sleeps on Gromits bed when she's out.
Gromit is lonely,
More so now, your son got a girl.

I got your door key.
It still has the key ring on it,
The one we found and got as a laugh.
It's odd; I went to the house the other day.
I had a package that was delivered,
It came to my house coz I was in.
I opened the door, pushed past the dog and opened my mouth to say;
'Hey Philly, It's only me!'

Then I realised.
Right then.
You're gone.
And you're not coming home.

Some wise person once said;
"Something lives only as long as the last person who remembers it!"
Or maybe that was from the X-Files?
Anyway, I promise to remember.
You know my tattoo?
The ones with Pooh Bear and Tigger, and little Piglet?
I'm having an Eeyore with Gopher too.
And I'm having them to remind me of you.

Sweet dreams.


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