
by Xx_Gen_xX   Jan 24, 2006

I am waiting, for you my boy,
you said you would be here,
but your not, your treating me like a toy,
you said you'd catch me,
you said i wouldnt fall,
you said i could trust you,
but i can't at all,
you said you would meet me,
you said we'd be there for eachother, but cant you see,
neiter of us care about one another, i loved you once, i cared and cried, you said you did to, but you lied,
i guess i still love you, i cant see why, why i still care, why i still see , but what i dont understand, is why you will never be able to see me...

comments please.........


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~Living~

    I like this one cause i can relate to it in many ways...Keep writing!!
