Motivation is all u need.. believe me

by anasha   Feb 7, 2006

Don't you hate when people put you down
Make you feel like you're nothing
Convince you that you're a stupid kid
Who can;t do jack shit

Don't you hate it when you try and tell yourself
That you're worth it and can do it all
That nothing's impossible
And then the people closest to you break that all

You know you can do it
But why can't anyone see that too?
Everyone comparing me to someone else
I really don't give a shit
It's me I'm focussing on
My personal best, not someone else
Its killing me inside
How everyone puts me down
But on the outside I really look fine

It's stabbing at my heart
My end is coming
I'm not sure I can take it anymore
I might start running

But I don't know what to think anymore
Should I face it or take it as it is
Should I change me, or just laugh it off as I please

I don't know what to do anymore
So much pressure on me
I guess no one's really there for me
I have to survive to be me

I feel I'm just not good at anything
The way people laugh when I suggest doing something new
I feel as if they have some picture of me in their mind
That I'm some slack, lazy ass

I motivate everyone around me
Tell them they can do anything they want
Tell them that nothing is too good for them
But what do I get??

I get someone laughing in my face
Putting me down
My self-esteem plummeting
Nearing the ground

How much long can I fake my happiness?
How much longer will I live?
How much longer can I take everyone's bullshit ??

By Anasha


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