Black Fire

by megan   Feb 8, 2006

Look in my eyes
Outside they're blue
But inside those eyes
Is where danger resides

Black fire
Burning so bright
Black fire
Burning with fight

Black fire
Burning so silent
Black fire
So vicious and violent

Inside, my heart beats steadily
It beats with power
It beats with love
Its like the necklace, the golden heart with a dove

Now step a little deeper
See with my eyes
Hear with my ears
And then think twice as a little something appears

Black fire
Burning so bright
Black fire
Burning with fight

Black fire
Burning so silent
Black fire
So vicious and violent

Every blow the world brings
Slowly builds up
Every step I take
Is considered a mistake

I need to put this fire out
But then there's a hole inside me
Do I have to pick, fight or succumb?
Because the fire is growing to the steady beat of the drum

Black fire
Burning so bright
Black fire
Burning with fight

Black fire
Burning so silent
Black fire
So vicious and violent

Too scared to stop
But too afraid to move on
I don't know what to do
If only you could see too

People take me for granted
Like I will always be here
If they knew what was burning inside
Maybe then they would have tried

Black fire
Burning so bright
Black fire
Burning with fight

Black fire
Burning so silent
Black fire
So vicious and violent

Stretched thin
As the fire takes over
I'm not myself anymore
I snap, I yell, I scream.

When will this go away
When can I not worry
When will my fire die out
When can I live without a doubt

Black fire
Burning so bright
Black fire
Burning with fight

Black fire
Burning so silent
Black fire
So vicious and violent

I've got to change
Break this unwritten curse
But I can't do it alone
For I'm dealing with the unknown

I need to change
Put this fire out
But how do you extinguish it
If you don't know why it is lit

This is the black fire
That's burning so bright
This the black fire
That's full of fight

This is the fire that I fear most
This is the fire I can't control
So if the match gets lit and tossed in
Step back, because you don't know what will begin.


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