Beautiful Girl: Part 5 (With alternate ending!!)

by Poetvoices   Feb 19, 2006

Each and every call was answered
with a machine or a, "Sorry."
How much of these stories was true?
the girl began to worry.

She didn't recall much of that part of her life.
How HAD they escaped her dad?
Then, the phone rang,
just as she was feeling sad.

ENDING 1: (Happy Ending lovers' special)
"I got your message," he said slowly.
"The guy you're seeking has moved."
When she got to the address he gave her,
it was truly proved.

"Hi. I'm Macey," she tested him.
"I know who you are!" he snapped through his wrinkled mouth.
His white hair blew in the breeze.
His accent, from the south.

"Come on in!" he smiled.
"I prayed for this day.
I'm sorry to hear that three years ago,
your mother passed away."

"I just got her journals yesterday,"
she said through his tight grip.
"I've been trying to find you since then.
I was even prepared to take a long trip."

"You saved my life, and I wanna thank you
in the only way I can," she said with a smile.
"I'll be married in two weeks.
Will you walk me down the aisle?"

That he did, and she was happy
to have him in her life,
so he could the wedding,
and watch them be pronounced husband and wife.

The cake was tall.
The dress was white.
The couple was happy.
True delight.


ENDING 2: (Well... you can guess)

"I got your message," he said slowly.
"The man you're seeking has died.
It all happened yesterday."
She was BARELY too late. Alone, she cried.

After a, "Thank you," and a "Good-bye,"
she dialed to tell Joe,
but before she could talk,
he said something terrible. Before she said hello.

"I gotta call from Dad's roommate.
You never even got to meet Dad.
He had a heart attack!"
Joe sounded more panicked than sad.

They attended the funeral together
in just two days' time.
"He died with all our love and caring," Joe said,
"And he died without a dime."

"He gave us all he had.
He saved my fiance's life.
He's the only one who's tried to help
to get me through my strife."

"Now, Macey will say something.
A few words about my father."
It was raining on this day.
She stared into the pools of water.

When the girl made her speech,
the only thing she had to say,
was, "Without this man's love and compassion,
I wouldn't be here today."

She stood on the muddy hillside
and watched them cover his box with mud.
Just as she could barely see the top of the wooden coffin,
she tossed at it a rosebud.

In her head her mother's speech:
This stands for love and opening up
to the ones that you most love.
Take care of them. Don't let them go.
For they are truly sent to us from up above.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Monique

    *too many tears to whipe away* the second ending.... omg just brilliant, part 1-5 were all beautifull writting darlin. im speechless, such a heartfelt and... ugh no words to describe...

  • 18 years ago

    by brady haupt

    Once again you are awesome... I cant really say anything else becuase its mostly been said. Great job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Kristen!!! ur comments almost made me cry. That's the cry of my heart that these little dittys might actually give somebody a smile and a... I duno... but yea... thanks hun *hugs* so where's some more poems? *winks* lol... I have a new one... check it out! *grins* *hugs u tightly* catch u round! Ruthie xoxo.... did u read my post on the philly thingy?

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    *claps* Fantastic Amazing Job

    When the girl made her speech,
    the only thing she had to say,
    was, "Without this man's love and compassion,
    I wouldn't be here today."

    I dont know why but i love that Stanza...Excellent Job PV
    ~The Broken Man~

  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    *swats at tears* I don't know what to say poet... kristen... it was beautiful. I loved both endings 4 different reasons. u really do rock at writing i'm so proud of u! *hugs* c? I gave u a 5! I loved it that much! Keep writing hun cause ur awesome.... catch u around! *grins* xx oo })i({ how awesome is my butterfly!!! })i({