Waste of Time

by Jamin Huchingson   Feb 21, 2006

Tryin' to figure out
Why you were lied too
It's just a waste of time
To look behind you
Concentrating on a past
You can't rewind to

Tryin to figure out just why
You believed every lie
I'm just not myself
When I'm with you

Livin' in my past
That my heart was so deep into
Now I have to move on
Focus on ahead
Anything but you instead

It's just a waste
To look behind you
Concentrating on the past
You can't rewind to

You sucked my soul dry
With each lie
No need to apologize
With the years you wasted
And every bitter taste I tasted

It's just time wasted
To look at the years behind you
Concentrating so hard
On a past you can't rewind too.


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