You Used Me

by goldie   Feb 25, 2006

I thought we were friends
and now i realize you were just using me
using me to get whatever you want
using me to get what others don't have
you stole my trust and stabbed it back through my heart
i realized that you only talk to me
when you're bored
or when your friends ditched you
i realized you only come to me
when you need something
or when you want something
you've been using me all along
while i was happy about getting a new friend
don't you have any goodness in you?
how can you do this to me?
were you using me when we were having fun too?
did i look that stupid to you, that you picked me to use?
what am i to you?
was i ever anything?
now that you got a little more popular, you only come to me for a favor.
never just to talk like the good old days
just for a favor
you used me
and you keep on doing it
why can't i say anything back to you?
i know if i don't you're going to keep going
but i just can't say anything
why can't i say anything to you?
do i still have trust in you?
no i can't you've used me once to many times.
you come over with a friendly smile saying hi can you do me a favor?
while I'm thinking she's still my friend. see there she comes now.
but no
you weren't my friend and you never will be
you used me and you're going to use me again
and I'm not going to stop you
i don't know how to stop you
i can't stop you
maybe that's why you picked me
instead of anyone else.
maybe you knew my weakness
maybe you knew that i can't just ditch my friends
or maybe you're just a good pick
i don't know what it was
but all i know is you used me and you going to use me again.
and I'm going to do nothing about it to stop you.


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