Snow White Lover

by Rowan79   Mar 14, 2006

Walking over your crisp snow laden chest,
I hear you calling to me.

"Come love," you say "Lay your head against my hard chest and I will give you the rest you seek"

"I may seem cold and hard at first,
but as the snow on my chest melts from your tears, I will warm you."

"Like a lover, I will give you the jewels that your tears form as they slip to the ground.
The diamonds, which will hold all your pain, will sparkle and shine."

"I will cover you with my snow white blanket.
It will cover you completely from those you wish to keep out.
I will never fail you, nor leave you."

"With me, you are safe, for I freeze the mind.
All thoughts, feelings and wants are gone.
You need only me to make you feel complete."

You speak ever so softly to me.
I know that no one else hears us.
You and I in our most intimate moments.

When you swirl around me, like a wave on the ocean.
Taking me under, twisting me, bending me.
You are the one who will break me.

So lay my head down, I will.
Sink into your white softness, I will.
Come to you of my own free will, yes.
Yes, that I will truly do.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    This touched a chord ... and the imagery that surrounded me swept me away.

  • 18 years ago

    by Rowan79

    You are much too kind, and I thank you for it!

  • 18 years ago

    by Derek

    This is a realy good poem i would give it a 10.0 rateing if it went higher than a 5.0

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