Innocence Beware

by Rowan79   Mar 14, 2006

Innocence beware

We look into the river.
You with your wide eyes
Amazed at the flowing water,
Like a puppy and his first snowfall.

You with your unlimited hopes for the future.
Eyes brightened by such delights.

I envy you.

I, who looks into these same waters,
Seeing only silence.
I feel the waters depth calling out to me.

Its words smooth and sensual.
Stroking my temples, filling each space.
Peace, it chants, Peace
As my face comes closer to hear.

My feet slowly shift,
Wanting to go faster, yet
Like a runner, waiting for a signal.
Waiting for the gun to go off
And Start my heart racing.

So like a runner, I stride forward
To reach the goal.

This goal defines me.
Shapes me, always.
It is not a goal that all obtain.

A goal? I hear you say.
What kind of goal is death?
Is it not like coming in last place in the race?

For my race, no.
I am the only one who can say what the goal is.
For each of us has our own way to begin and to end.
Last place? No
Because I race alone.

I am the only winner in this race.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Derek

    I like it a lot. good work.

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