What must I do?

by Hannes   Mar 25, 2006

I fell for you and it hurts
It still does
Every day I have to think about you
Wile you said
Lets just be friends
It hurts when I look at you
It hurts when I talk to you
It hurts when I think about you
It hurts so much that its starting to make me think
Woudn't it have been better if I never felt a thing?
Wouldn't it have been better if I never told you?
If we would just be friends and I would have my secret?
Now I wonder must I fight to win your love?
And risk the fact that you get pissed?
Or must I just forget it like everyone tells me to?
And let my feelings get lost
Be sad as I will be?
Feel down for as long as my mind can reach?
Tell me please
what must I do?


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  • 17 years ago

    by AnnMarie

    Great poem the flow is a little off only because there really is not any ryhme to any of it and then there are alot of some very long stanzas. Try and put a little more emotion into your poetry. How did your heart feel achey breaky your skin did it crawl when you were around him or did you have this burning sensation on top of your head??? Do you know what I mean??

    Please r/r/c rose colored glasses

  • 17 years ago

    by Hannes

    Indeed rose you are right ^^
    and so I did

  • 17 years ago

    by Bloomed Rose

    Um . . .StefQ, umm . .ya, he was talking about a GIRL. lol I agree with StefQ, exept, be HER friend if you can't gain HER love. but like he said, NEVER GIVE UP! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by StefQ

    I say : never give up =) i mean this, if you can't win his love then be his best friend or try to be =) nice poem =)


  • 18 years ago

    by Hannes

    Haha you can all say you get by but I still don't know what my use on the earth is, it still hurts when I think about her. every day even now my hearth gets pull out. but you just live your happy lifes :P