Joyous Love Eh?

by Melly   Apr 2, 2006

No matter how many times you've made me mad..

No matter how many times , you've made me sad..

My love for you , will always last..

Even inside..This empty cast..

I gave you my heart , please don't forget.

..I knew you would break my heart , didn't I make that bet?

I wanted to let you know how much I care..

But that pain was too much for me to bare..

I love you , shouldn't that be enough?..

Heh , but telling you anything was already tough..

I took in your bitterness..And you've made me tear..

I am about as careless as the eye-liner smeer..

I then smiled , you FINALLY giving me some hope..

But after that night ,..You've slipped , like a bar of soap.

All this time ..I asked " Why "

Only to be returned was a sigh..

I pleaded , persisted..But you don't wanna tell.

..I locked myself away..In an icy cold cell..

Its giving me thoughts , its giving me fears..

Never , being able to look at myself in the mirrors..

I heard an apology , a little later..You trying to make things great..

But , I figured out what you were..You were a fake..

You kid around , about not loving me..

But , what you hear , is what you can't see..

Each and everyday , I was scared you were going to leave..

You want to think I am okay..

But my heart and mind , back-tracked on you everyday..

You left me , did it feel good?..

..You only looked at me , and never understood..

....How much pain I was wanting to be set free..

Yet again...It was only ..Me...

( I know this poem doesn't make sense..Its tended that way )


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