Tigers mind

by ...   Apr 3, 2006

Me and my friend were given the topic tigers and i made this. hope you like it :)

Lurking under heavens gaze
Reminds her of the good old days
The days of drinking milk from mother
The days of play-fighting under the cover
Of her safe and cozy den
These days where the ones when
She did not have to fear
Or hide from all the dangers near
When food came as an easy meal
Days when the world seemed real
She could play, stare at the skies
Roll around, chasing butterflies
She enjoyed the big wide world
As its many secrets to her unfurled
But now her life is a struggling mess
Her meals come from a deers ripped chest
She lives her life on strict routine
And goes about business unseen
She knows the world and its many wonders
But also the consequences of a fools rash blunders
Every moment is spent on constant alert
So as to keep her from being badly hurt
Because many a poacher does prize her great coat
Theyd gut her and ship the rest off on a boat
Then shed be bought by a malicious fur lover
Whose only beauty is found on the skin of another
You see, its a dog eat dog world for her
Whether foe or one just after her fur
So she must be surreptitious, just to survive
Yet at the same time its murder that keeps her alive


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