He's My Ninja

by DancingForGod   Apr 16, 2006

Each day I wait for our class to begin
Waiting, counting the minutes till I can see him again
My stomach's even in knots in anticipation
A nervous wreck
I sit in my desk and wait for him to enter the room
He strides in confidently
Knowing I wait for him
Cool as a cucumber I am once he's here
He sits beside me, we say hi and things
Simple pleasantries
We smile though, knowing something more is just below the surface
We laugh, we flirt, we smile as everyone else thinks we're crazy
No one thinks we are made for each other
"how could she possibly like him?" they say
"he's too weird"
but his sillyness is all the more endearing
his smile makes my day light up like a high-voltage Christmas tree
his jokes make me laugh till my sides ache
he's perfect
we make up names for each other
he's my jumping ninja
I'm the girl he likes to tickle
Together we laugh
And together we are happy


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