
by Lucy   Apr 24, 2006

Don't hurt me, I'm sorry
Don't hit me,
Don't harm me,
Because that's all you ever do

Don't slap me
Don't slam me against the wall
Don't grasp onto my thought
Because thats what you always do

Don't make me say sorry
Don't give me bruises
Don't give me scars
Because this is usual for you

I'm sorry I'm not perfect
I'm sorry i can't be what you want me to be
Because I'm just me,
I maybe different
But isn't everyone?

I haven't done anything
I haven't done anything to make you treat me this way
Give me three reasons
Three good reasons
Why your doing this to me?

Every tear i cry
Every scar that bleeds
Every bruise that grows
You hurt me just that little more

So i beg of you please
Stop this
Not for your sake
Not for mine
But for your daughter
And what she has to see you do to me.

She watches you harm me
She sits in the corner
Crying and yelling
for you to stop
She hugs her knees
Wishing you'd stop

But no
You continue with this
And theres nothing i can do
I can't stop you
Because you own me
And only you can stop yourself

So tonight
You analyzed
You though hard
And cried a little
Took it out on me

So tonight without a goodbye
You knocked me to the floor
The very last breath i breathed
Was the last one I'd ever breathe
The last blink of the eye
As i locked it shut
Your daughter crying and yelling
She hates you
I hate you

So tonight i was murdered
By the one i loved
The one who not only harmed me
But who Abused me
In so many ways
I can't describe

So closely what you've done
You've been selfish
Like always
And murdered who you said to have loved
Abused her
Loved your daughter
But she hated you in return

So all i can do
Is watch over your mistakes
Over and over on tape in my mind
And wish you regret what you did
And pray for me every night
Wish you could press a backspace button and wish it could work in real life
I hope your happy
I hope you light up with glee
Take these words and seal them into your mind:
You never loved me
You only abused me
You used me
And tonight
You murdered me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by manic moments

    Wow. Im amazed. It has so much feeling and hatred and sorrow. It makes me sad to think that this is happening in real life. You have done an EXCELLENT poem. Brilliant.

    Luv Niquee