
by Clonjey   May 2, 2006

My final thoughts before I leave poetry...
I hope you've learned from me that hope is free.
That even at your saddest hour you have power.
I watered you from seed to flower with my shower.
But remember...
From January to December...
If someone gets in your face about your faith,
Whether it be your race or your taste,
Be quick to catch a case at their disgrace.
Have billions, no trillions of opinions!
Because that's what separates us from simians.

What other final thoughts should be written on this paper?...
My brothers fought for liberty so take her!
If liberty won't give herself then rape her.
That may seem extreme or mean to say,
But I mean to say FORCE freedom to stay.
Never sit and admire when you can inspire.
Only be a buyer if you're also a supplier.

Supply information to inform the nation.

Use your old hatred to prove what you hold sacred.
Make the truth naked.

Because rumors spread like tumors for consumers.

So be ruthless...
Inform the clueless of what the truth is.
Don't be afraid to ask the "higher class":
Why should I be criticized for being different?
In my eyes their lies are non-existent.

So as I depart from this art,
From the bottom of my heart,
I hope you understand what I demand.
The freedom of belief and speech for every man,
Women and children of every land.
Because it's man that made the computer,
Human thought, not technology, is the future.

Now I'm leaving,
Thank you for reading...

Remember me by what I say...
With select intellect,
~CJ Labbe


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