Tangled Thoughts

by Charlotte   May 13, 2006

I feel so stressed
I feel so depressed
I feel like I'm in a cage
I need to break free
I need to express myself
I need to be me again
I want to go wild
I feel like killing someone or something
I need someone to talk to
I need something to do
I wish I were having fun
I wish I weren't me
I wish I could be prettier
I wish you were here with me now
Then I wouldn't be so bored
Maybe I wouldn't be stressed
And if I'm lucky not depressed
I wouldn't need to break free
Because I would already be
These tangled thoughts they just swim... Swim, swim....


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  • 18 years ago

    by Arti

    Hi..Wats making your thoughts so tangled? if you want someone to talk to, cry on, jus lemme know...feel free to email me
    Its a very descriptive poem - I like the style. It would have been nicer I think to use inversions - they make sad poems so much more eloquent.