A bullet in a heart

by Mike   May 17, 2006

A shot was fired not a moment of regret
Despair didn't even hit your heart
But the bullet went thru mine

The look on your face
It seems as though you enjoyed it
As I tore apart
My eyes wide open

It can't be real
This pain is to much
I wish it were a dream

As I fall down
I wonder all if love truly lives
Deep in the hearts

I will never know
I gave up on love a long time ago
Romance is a game
Everyone will lose

The players
Nothing but pawns
Something that can't be won


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  • 18 years ago

    by DarkAngel06

    :( I am sad for you, why do you not love is that the message you want me to know? your life is precious do not see fate as a bad thing, your once severed heart will heal, you are wonderful I see you in my dreams, you help me Michael don't give up on something so beautiful.

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