
by Heidi   May 18, 2006


I'm left standing in a quiet room with all the hope I once had for a family drained out of me. The happiness I had when the doctor told me it was a healthy little girl. That seems so long ago. My tiny baby looks so helpless lying on her stomach in the incubator, hooked up to a machine. "If only I could hold you, baby, if only." I whisper. I reach in and touch her little fingers thinking of the life I had planned. Her form is so delicate and fragile, she seems as if she'll break. A tear rolls down my face as she tries to cry, making a tiny sound.
For the first time in two days I begin to cry helplessly, wondering why my baby had to go through so much agony, just to be here for less than three days. Her discolored figure lay before me as I remember her first kick. I was sitting on the couch watching T.V. after a long day, when suddenly I got a feeling of butterflies. I screamed, "She's kicking!" even though I was alone. It was the best feeling in the world... I didn't know it would come down to this.
"I love my baby, I love her. Why did this happen to us?" I yell this time. As I sit down in the chair and cover my face with my hands, I cry. I cry for every person who cannot cry, like my baby. I cry for every mother just like me, for every person going through pain. I cry for every baby slowly fading away, the ones who will not grow up to be strong and healthy. My life is changing dramatically, right in front of my eyes and I know there is no way to stop it.
Finally, I cry for myself...

By: Heidi
May 17, 2006

*This isn't a poem. It's one of my English stories that I had to write. I thought it was quite sad, so I thought that I'd share it with everyone. Thanks =)


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