Have you

by megan   Jun 9, 2006

Have you done what ive done?
Have you gone through what ive gone through?
Do you feel the pain i feel?
If not, this is all still real.
Have you faced the bullies?
The pain, embarassment,the tears?
The awkward moments, silent screams, your worst fears?
If not, this is reality, not just dreams.
I live it each day,
Even if thats not what it seems.
Have you hurt a friend you loved?
Watched them cry, knowing it was from you?
Have you broken a heart?
One you tried so hard to fix?
If not, I still have.
You can't erase the things you've done.
Have you done something, just cuz your friends did?
Gone along with peer pressure?
Have you cried yourself to sleep,
Wishing there wasn't another day?
Have you dreamt of a better life?
One you'll never get?
Have you said something,
that left you with regret?
If not, it doesnt mean you're perfect,
Just walk a day in someone else's shoes.
Have you ever thought it wasnt going to be okay?
Well this is my life,
and it's how i live it each day.


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  • 17 years ago

    by *_Clara_*

    AGAIN another beautiful poem,
    raguel is right there are so many younge people in this world suffering form bulling and everything else but u have to belive in god and urself and be strong about it NEVER GIVE UP always keep ur head up

  • 17 years ago

    by Raquel

    Hey there. My name's Raquel. I just wantd to let you know that I've lived a life like that. I've lived a life like that but worse and it sucks. You feel like life should just end and i almost did. But you can get through it all. Trust in God and he will lead you through it. He saved my life. Give him a chance and he'll save yours too. You just have to believe in him..and believe in yourself. ignore what everyone else says and does. It's just you and God.