
by Mousie   Jun 12, 2006

You know just what to say
To make me feel special
To make me giggle and blush
All day long.

You're a master at flirting
You can win a girl's heart
Well guess what babe
You've won mine!

When I needed comforting
You were right there.
You made the whole situation easier
And believed in me to make the right decision.

You're proud of me
For the smallest things
And sympathetic
When I get a little scratch.

I love everything about you
You fit what I've always wanted,
You just have one flaw,
You love her...


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  • 17 years ago

    by SilenceBreaksTheHeart

    I enjoyed this one...I can relate.

  • 17 years ago

    by ET

    I love this one too. Its close to one I wrote. The ending didn't sursprise me too much because I know that scene too well myself.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    I think this poem would be greatly improved if you used one of the following, or both:
    -More detailed descriptions
    -Poetic tools and language

    Throw in some similes, some metaphors, a few symbols. Use more complicated words, don't always say what you mean straight out. Show the reader how this person treats you, don't just tell it to them straight. Describe what he says, describe the situation where he was there, describe your scratches, real or metaphorical.

    And I thought the ending was too abrupt. The twist was interesting, but the syllable count was too low and it was too blatant and unpoetic.

    This was fair poem, but if it was fixed up with some of the things that make poetry great, it'd get a lot better.

  • 17 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    I thought it was good. The ending really suprised me, I wasn't expecting that at all. You have some places where it doesn't really flow that well, but over all I thought you did a great job.

  • 17 years ago

    by Dre4meR

    Indeed it's a lovely poem...i also like the twist at the end...