James B

by paddy   Jun 15, 2006

The first time i saw you i knew you where the one,
the first time i spoke to you i knew i was meant to be with you,
everything was perfect,
i dreamt of the life we would have togather,
you made me so many promises,
you said you loved me,
may be you do maybe you dont ,
how am i to know,
you never spoke to me about how you really felt,
i let my guard down with you,
id been hurt before,
i trusted you i still do,
you said you wasnt ready for a relationship how can this be,
i asked you this at the start,
youv hurt me so much even tho i still love you,
i just hopeone day you'll come back to me as i'll be waiting for you to take you back into my arms and to love and cherish you for ever more


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