There are tears falling for you

by dion   Jul 11, 2006

Losing you is loosing myself
and its something tape wont fix
and no one can help you now
not any of the doctors tricks

we haven't spent time together
which makes it even worse
that your leaving me for good
so now ill take loves curse

to see you lying there,
cold as anything can be
i wont keep up with counting
all the tears that will come from me

grandpa cancers got you
and its almost your time to go
but before your put to rest
theres something i want you to know

i prayed for you from the start
and ill pray for you till the end
god wont be able to keep up,
with all the prayers that i will send

i have every reason to love you
your inspiration will stay inside my soul
in this life you have changed many people
you had a perfect roll

there are allot of people that love you
and there praying for you as well
you might not be able to hear us
but i love you grandpa is what they'd tell

help me wipe these tears from our eyes
and help us move on
without you theres just a gap
without you, your gone

but i want you to go in peace
and theres many more that do to
but always remember one thing
there are tears falling for you


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  • 17 years ago

    by ~Her last tear was fatal~

    Awww that is so sweet sad but really good*snap*snap*snap* if thats true srry about your grandpa i lost mine to cancer to
    but great work

  • 17 years ago

    by ~Her last tear was fatal~

    Awww that is so sweet sad but really good*snap*snap*snap* if thats true srry about your grandpa i lost mine to cancer to
    but great work