As the rain slides down, She'll think of Him

by Krazy   Jul 26, 2006

Rain glistens on the window panes
while she sits there.
thinking about her own rain that slowly slid down her pale cold cheeks
she knew she'd never be at the top...
no good looks, in fact no looks at all.
She's turned one head. That's all. Just one.
And she adores that sweet quiet guy. Just one thing.
She sits there
thinking of Him
So laid back, no worries.
She doesn't care what about her looks when she's around Him
Finally a guy who she can talk to.
He sees her as she really is, and he doesn't care that
she's loud, always laughing, and not the best looking.
Right as things seem to be going great.
a snag.
Hesitance from His part?
Is that possible? After all the great times they spent together
She sits there
Thoroughly confused.
Does He like her... and possibly holding back?
She knows he doesn't want to hurt the other guy. But why now?
She sits there.
contemplative, hoping, yearning
Arms of warmth and safety to fall around her
and hold her tight. no worries. a strong embrace.
the rain keeps coming
as she sits there
wishing for another hug from Him


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