The day

by Insignia   Jul 28, 2006

What actions will alight my heart,
the flame burning so low,
silence speaks with sweet voices to me,
while I ask myself : Why did you had to go apart?

You said you'll go for my sake,
but all I feel is missing you to death,
can't sleep at night nor dream,
what seemed to be hasn't been the best.

So am I cursed to follow this life,
even if I didn't choose it nor to stay,
define my heart which seemingly is broken,
so, I have to wait for the only blissful day :
the day I can live with you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kirsty palmer

    Aww this is a really sweet poem.. i really enjoyed reading it.. keep up the good work.. hope you can read and coment on mine... Kirsty Palmer xxx

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