I know how it feels

by sasha   Aug 13, 2006

I know how it feels to go to school one day and have everything go wrong...

i know how it feels to run away..
you want to know how i know all this i have have had everything wrong..i have ran away.
i got into drugs...
i didn't care about anyone but me.
i cutt so bad that it got so deep i couldn't stop..
after that night i did everything wrong and lost the one guy i really loved..
after that night i just let go and didn't care WHO i hurt in the process..
after that night i wanted to die and didn't care what happened or how people felt about what i was doing..
that night i cheated on my boyfriend and wanted to keep going.
i smoke so much weed i couldn't think striate
i drank so much that i couldn't even stand...

this poem tell you what i have done and now what i dint have please comment on it...


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  • 17 years ago

    by kd

    Things we do when we're in pain....

  • 17 years ago

    by jessica

    Im not going to say i know how you feel but ive done the same things for the same reasons. your poem's greats