
by anasha   Aug 13, 2006

I feel my tears flooding my eyes
Can't see anything, it's a bit like in my mind
I'll just sit and think, about god knows what
No time to relax I always seem in a rush

I'm losing someone close to me, it's hurting me inside
I'll go in a trance, where I can't hide my lines
I didn't cut because of her, but maybe I will
Maybe my demon self will to myself kill

My parents are at it again, that man is so rude
I wish they'd just stop with all the screwed up moods
You know I try and stay out of it, because it's not my place
To go round causing fights, it's just such a waste

It's a waste of my time, a waste of my tears
F###ing hell they just don't stop
Don't they realise its hurting my ears

He blames it on my mum and on my sister
My mum then turns against her daughter
She starts fighting for the wrong thing
And then we part ways
He goes and gets drunk and has a crash
While she'll go get drunk and have a smoke
And mum, well she'll just sit there and cry her eyes out
Going on about how its all her fault and she apparently "ruined it all"

See unlike me, they give a shit
I don't get why I care so much abut my friends and so little about my family
It bugs me when they fight, for sure. But I don't feel bad
But when it comes to my friends, I take it so personally
Because I'm not close to my family
I tend to just rely on myself
Something I learnt in life for life, that you cant trust nobody else
With little secrets offcourse you can, but with life, don't try
Because that person will leave you side, and leave you to die

Love anasha


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