Those Days

by Sonya   Mar 7, 2004

There was a day in mid may
Were i came over to stay
I was with my friends
At a party and we all sang karaoke
But then when it came for me to sing solo
I sung a love song
I was watching you
And you stopped what you were doing
That night we stayed together
That night everything was right
I knew i had you but i had some else too
That day...i lost you

There was another in late march
We were at the movies
When we had just almost met
You had a good impression of me
And i couldn't stop glancing over
That night were also together
I hoped it would never end
That i would be there forever
Though it wasn't the time
I made the crime now I'm doing the time
That day...i lost you

In the early April
We were back at school
It was all a hassle and rush
When someone came to ask
If you still had the hots for anyone
You simply answered with my name
Then everyone came and told me
That you forever wanted to hold me
Although there was a friend
That has loved you to the end
I couldn't betray her
It just wasn't me
It all lasted but a week
Until you realized i was so weak
I knew i shouldnt have let her come between cause now i see
That day...i lost you

Sometime in September
I went to the game
Just to cheer you on
And watch you play
You said you still liked me and that you were free
So for 15 minutes i sat and watched
Until we all left just for a sec
With guys and girls we ran around the school
I fell for a few and had a blast
How could i have known you were expecting me after the game
That day...i lost you

Now every day since October
I have been wanting you
Giving out hints
And finding out ways to get near you
I apologized for all my wrongs
And i said id do all the rights
You didn't understand
And didn't give me the time of day
Maybe this is how you felt with me all those days
But i said and did so much for you
And i was practically always with you
Don't you see, this time it wasn't me
That time....YOU lost ME

--i know its long n I'm sorry for that but please read and comment it means allot--


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