My Child...My son...My Heart

by Mama   Sep 5, 2006

This poem/reflection was written 1 year ago when my son came to me and told me he was CUTTING and needed help. He has chronicled his deepest feelings on this sight through his poems. I felt if he was brave enough ...I should be brave enough too. We're in this together.
I hope it helps you sort out your feelings and offers some insight and strength.
Give your parents or an adult you trust the chance to understand and help you. I'm thankful My son did.He's the bravest person I know. I admire him more than words can express.~
This is my first attempt, feel free to comment and critique. I truely wrote this as an attempt to share true feelings in a creative venue and get insight into Poetry writing.

My child, My most gentle,
My caring and sensitive son,
Is hurting.
Hurting inside.
Hurting his outsides.

What past and present things,
Are creating the blinders he wears
to keep him from seeing his worth?
Creating the gag that keeps him from speaking his feelings?
Created the Dark Castle, surrounded by the firey mote,
that he has retreated to?

He has abandoned the knowledge of all the good in himself.

He doesn't feel safe seeing his good, being himself.
Does he feel safe at all?

"Feeling", is not a safe thing for him.
So he CUTS.
to feel.
Feel alive, feel pain...
"Feel" SOMETHING besides,,,NUMB.

When he was 2, the divorce happened.
That's when he quit being the baby.
He now had a newborn brother, a 4 year old Sister...
and an Abandoned, single, Mom.
A Mom who was hurt, scared,exhausted and numb.

He's always been the quiet one.
Never demanding attention.
always willing to slip away and blend in, not stand out.
He loves to please, make others smile.
What makes him smile?
What does he need from others?
He's a giver.
Have we all just been takers?

Did I demand his silence,
to save myself at the time?
As a newly divorced woman,
did I begin, back then, demanding his silence?

I do know, that regardless of my situation,
There has never been a time, a moment....a millisecond,
that I didn't love and want him.

I recall going into his room,
watching him sleep,
crying silent tears, as I looked at his precious little face...thankful for him.
Praying for God to give me strength.
Praying for God to help me be the best Mom for my kids.

The tears would come when I'd realize,
that during his waking hours
It seemed my time and attention was sucked away ,
By the hectic, demanding and lonely life
of being a single Mom.

Late at night, I could be found a bit more relaxed.
the days hecticness quieted.
Needing to reconnect with my kids,
Just checking in on them as they slept.
Making sure they were OK.
Reasurring myself that I was........OK.

I have wondered though,
Did I revel in the fact that he was quiet and non-demanding of my time?
Time I didn't feel I had enough of.
Time..To do all the things a Mom and Dad are suppose to do together as a team.
Time..that I was trying to find,
to do..
handle things...
because I was now Parenting...alone?

My son,
PLEASE know...
I did my best.
I swear.
But if there's something I did..
or didn't do...
That would have resulted in you..
being happy..
feeling deserving of all the good you are..
Please know I'm sorry.
I love you
and will Always be here for you.

You have my attention..
You have my time..
You still have my Love..
You still ARE My Heart...

My child...
My sweetest,
Most gentle,
Most Precious..
and Most hurting, sensitive..Son.


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  • 17 years ago

    by A Fallen Angel

    I relaly enjoyed this poem... it made me feel like ther are others who care out there... and it made me cry a bit... im an emotional wreck so sorry. but i lovd this. and to tell you the truth, i did get the courage to tell my mom about me cuttng a lil over a year ago... she helped me get the help i needed but once medication was talked about for my severe depression, all therapy stopped. oh well... guess they cant save all of the loonies out there huh? but really it made me feel good.. and comforted in a way

  • 17 years ago

    by Willow

    Very beautiful.that is sad. i hope everything gets better for u and your family. i'm a cutter. but i haven't told my parents. i told a very close adult friend and she is helping me get better. be the girl i used to be before i got depression. this poem is really good. full of raw emotion. i got goosebumps all through it. u have talent. keep it up.
    love willow xxoo

  • 17 years ago

    by braydens1mommy

    Depression sucks i know I was in your sons situation at one point and it's not easy to ask for help. I think he is a very brave Young man. it takes alot to tell someone. I fianally confided in my best friend who then got me help.
    Just hang in there, the both of you.
    It will all be ok and Trust God!!!

    God bless
    Your in my prayers

  • 17 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    This is a Gift to All Concerned....and I assure you, I, too, am concerned....Thank you.....

  • 17 years ago

    by Mama

    Thank you anna! Since writing this, he was diagnosed with Severe depression , has been on Meds and is finally finding *himself" at nearly 17! We're very close, and have spent hours and hours sharing heartfelt honesty together.
    As far as bravery, it took me a year to post this! LOL! But as I read his poems and others posted here, I decided to share the feelings I had gone through as the Parent of a cutter, and a very hurting,,,very hiding young man.

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