I Am So Tired

by Hannah   Oct 1, 2006

I am tired of trying to tell you how I feel about you,
I am tired of having you reply as who?
When my feelings come out from their cages deep from inside my black heart to talk to your heart,
It's like you shoot me with a dart.
When I hear something new about what you have done,
It never appears fun.
I am tired of looking into your deep blue eyes that glisten with hate,
And never seeing our fate.
I don't know if you have told me lies,
But I know that when you say something bad a rose always dies.
My love for you isn't that great for you to feel,
Because when it hurts someone it will never heal.
It's like it's a killer disease,
That dies fast like lots of trees.
I close my eyes and dream,
But then it turns into an unpleasant scream.
I don't want us to hate each other,
Like I know you do with your mother.
I think about you every night when I go to sleep,
And think of our love that is so cheap.
Why have I been stupid and wait for you for this long,
I should just give you up and stay strong.
Your truth is all a lie,
So go and touch the sky.
I don't want to have to let you go,
But if you shall leave make sure to make your feelings glow.
I am tired of letting you walk all over me,
And never giving me a chance to flee.
I am tired of letting you say harsh words to my face,
Hope to god for you to get all grace.
Sometimes I am happy that I know you,
But other times I wish it wasn't.
I hate how our relationship is,
And I hate everything this person says.
I am tired of having my heart speed up when you walk by,
Because it just turns dessert dry.
All I want to hear is those three words spoken with sweet caress to my ears,
Because it will just make up for all those useless years.
I am tired of seeing you with some other girl other then me,
Is it even a thought in your mind if we will ever be?
I sit at home and bang on my drum,
Until all of my feelings for you are numb.
I am tired of people asking me about you,
Because I always wanted something new.
I have something for you to understand,
That none of this was planned.


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