Pain's End

by Broken Dreams   Oct 11, 2006

Everyone walks by
Going on their way
I walk slowly past
Going through my day
If I disappear
Nobody will see
No one really cares
About this thing called me
Silence is my blanket
My pillow is self-hate
My medicine is silver
But its solace comes too late
I've given up completely
On the hallways of the live
I decide to join the ranks of dead
Its that goal for which I strive
So I place my blade so gently
Then harder till I bleed
And hope that this will end it all
My one last dreadful need
I call out my goodbye
But as always no one hears
In my silence they forgot me
Never saw my unshed tears
Until too late they saw me gone
My funeral to attend
And finally they ask me why
But I finally found pain's end


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