Hidden Tears

by Izumi Nightroad   Oct 17, 2006

Hidden Tears

The longing
The ache
So hard
To cry
So many things
Being done everyday
And they hurt so much
I just want to cry
On my bed
In the silence
To reveal the tears
Hot and angry
For being this way
For needing to cry
To release my pain
To face my agony
Why does it hurt so much?!
Hiding my tears
Only to reveal them to myself alone
If I dare cry in public
I bight my lip
Never enough to deeply cut my flesh
I stem the tears
I produce a smile
I dismiss the ache to cry
My tears become hidden
Locked away until a later time
Just waiting to burst forth
They see nothing beyond the flesh
They see nothing beyond my smile
But they see that
And assume so much
They do not bother
To look beyond my smile
Into my pained eyes
They do not care
The words
Even softly spoken
They still hurt so much
Even if theyâ??re not meant
Why does this ache
Buried deep within me
Hurt so much?
Why do I need so much
To cry?!


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